Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Final Critique

Overall I think my last critique went really well. The last couple weeks of school I had been trying to step out of the box and take pictures that I never would have taken pictures of at the beginning of the school year. I would have just walked right past them because in my mind they weren't "photogenic". Those few photographs that I had printed out that were "out of the box" compared to my normal style were by far my strongest images and the critique helped me realize I need to start exploring photo opportunities like those more often.

I still feel like I need to continue working on stepping out of the box and pushing my boundries more. I don't want to just have six very strong images, I want all of them to be strong. I also want to continue to work on my lighting. It's something I need to watch out for. In some pictures it will look fabulous but in other pictures it needs work. Hopefully I can work on that over the break. Other than that I think I'm improving which is good. I wouldn't be in school if I already knew everything!