Sunday, November 28, 2010


All together I felt like my slideshow was very strong in the end. There were a few things I wish I could have fixed here and there, but I know I'm being picky and hard on myself.

I think I had a very wide selection of different views and different things you find in a cemetery. They just weren't all photographs of tombstones and crosses. I layed down to get different angels and tried a bunch of new things which I feel turned out very successful in the end. It made me feel good that I got such a strong reaction out of the class. I also think the music made the slideshow even stronger. I don't think there was a song that could have fit better with all of my photographs. Overall, I'm very proud of my final product and I'm very excited to show my family.

I wish some of the photographs had a darker background and wasn't so bright and sunny. I know that's how it was all week when I was taking the pictures, but that's something that bugged me. I can alsways go back and take more pictures when it's cloudy and rainy outside though. I also wish my slideshow was put together a bit more. I wish I had spent a little extra time putting an additional slide in their with my name and maybe changing the background to something more than just black. (I was happy with mine until I saw what everyone else did with theirs) However, that's also something I can also go back in and fix later.

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